Friday, August 22, 2014

New Beginnings

September is always more of a new start than January. New schedules and new routines start. New hopes and resolutions fill my head. New intentions and new promises are made. September is my "new year".

This year there is some familiarity. This year will be similar to last year in the sense that Princess is in full time school and dance, and Tobes is home with me once more, and back into gymnastics. This year I will have the usual morning scramble, then 6 hours to fill (and fill I shall!) and then pick up Princess, and then most often take her to dance ;)

I'm hoping there will be a marked difference too - historically fall has been hard for Tobes. Separation anxiety mixed with health problems has made the last 2 Septembers really difficult. I'm hoping that between dealing with his Celiac disease and helping his anxiety he will have a better time this year. I'm excited for some new adventures with my little man while his sister is away. More on that in another post though.

New year means new resolutions, and I've got some of those too!
  1. Princess will be on time for school, and beyond that she will be early at least 4 days out of 5.
  2. I will be on time to pick up Princess every day.
  3. I will pack Princess' lunch the night before. All year. Not just the first week.
  4. One half-hour a day will be "table time". Whether it's homework, board games, crafts, or reading, all 3 of us will sit at the table together and hang out.
  5. Tobes and I will have 1 one-on-one day. Whether we go out or stay in, we will have time for just the 2 of us.
  6. Princess and I will have a special date once a month too. She and I get special time with dance stuff, but we need just time to hang out too.
  7. We will meal plan, and follow those plans at least 80% of the time.
  8. I will not cry Princess' first day of school. 
  9. Even if I really miss her.
We'll see how long this lasts ;)

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