Friday, June 15, 2012

Decisions, Decisions...

I am not necessarily an indecisive person. I can make decisions. The problem is I can also change my mind as quickly as I've made it.  I have also had too much on my plate lately to worry about the decisions that don't effect my immediate circumstances. I have several decisions to make that are in my queue. Some of them are big, some are relatively small. I need to start making them though.

Decision number one is my twitter handle. When I joined blogspot and twitter, I was newly married and without kids. My journal title is a play on my married last name (it's Ukrainian - I'm a "Chuky"). It had nothing to do with the movie, I just thought it was funny.

But I'm now using my twitter account for more than conversing with friends, or letting everyone know how awesome my dinner is. It's become part of my business, and now the name no longer seems funny (especially when you need to explain the joke over and over and over again).

It's not as simple as just changing my name, though. I need to figure out if I want a separate business account, or combine the two. Do I want to just use my name, or something that incorporates what my business is? (I'm a private consultant as well as a health care provider, so my "company" is in essence my name).

Decision number two is my blog address. It's the same as my twitter handle, which was useful when I first started it (actually, my first blog was "Life and Times of Your Friendly Neighborhood Superstar), but again, it no longer has the same effect as when I first started out. And if I'm going to change my twitter handle, what's the point in keeping this blog the way it is? Or do I change it, and attempt to move everything over?

So here I sit, with these two decisions. And it's about time I make them.

For now, my loyal readers, I will let you know that I have secured What I'll do with it, I'm still not sure... :P

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